
           Judges CV   Judge Ian Geddes-Cook  JD


Prefix Hardrada (Rottweilers and Swedish Vallhunds)

Contact Email ian@rottweiler.co.nz  

Having been brought up with dogs all his life, along with my wife, Sue, I first started exhibiting my own dogs (Rottweilers) in the UK over 30 years ago under the "Hardrada" prefix, later I successfully showed Swedish Vallhunds and St Bernards. Sue and I have produced champions and Crufts CC winners in both breeds, some of our top winners were BIS Ch Hardrada Let It Be Me  JW, BIS UK & Irish/ Int Ch Hardrada Double Dutch JW and, Ch Svedala Tomte Pelle Top SV.

In 2002 we moved to New Zealand, I have served on a number of show committees over the years, for the last 9 years I have served on the Tauranga Kennel Assn (Championship show committee) and had the honor of being President of the Bay Of Plenty Judges Asso.

My wife and I have produced over 30 champions,  with champions in 7 countries, which include many multi best in show winners, at both General and Breed speciality shows, Hardrada breeding can be found in many countries throughout the world. In 2012 the Crufts Best Of Breed Winner was also from our lines. 

I have been privilaged to judge the following breeds at breed speciality shows, Alaskan Malamutes, Bullmastiffs, Dobermanns,Dogue de Bordeaux, Newfoundlands, Rottweiler's and St Bernards.

 Judging since 1991, I have judged in England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, Australia  and New Zealand, a breed specialist in Rottweiler's and Swedish vallhunds, I also award CC's in the Utility group, In 2013 I passed my theory exam for the Non Sporting group with 91%.

I am happy to judge if offered appointments. I do have a  particular interst in larger breeds such as Rottweilers, St Bernards, Bullmastiffs, Boxer's etc. A list of the breeds that I am approved to judge at championship show level are listed below....   

                                             Some of my dogs over the years.....


                              swedish-vallhund-chaney.jpg Hardrada_simply_red_-__Katie_12_weeks_old.jpg Hardrada_ch__show_winner_-max.jpg

                       UK Ch Svedala Tomte Pelle                                     NZ  Ch Hardrada Simply Red (12 weeks old)                                   BIS Aust Ch Hardrada Red Baron  (Imp NZ)

Below: Pictures of shows Ian has judged 

 Huntley & DKA   



Sydney Australia

The Newfoundland Club Show of New South Wales 

BIS Ch Newfcastle Black Label                           Ru BIS Supreme Ch Newfcastle Carbon Copynsw_nef_bis-rbis.jpg


Auckland Kennel Council 





 Below: Ian @ NZKC Judges Show   and EBKA  with Group Winner

judges_show11-ch_miquelon_gentle_maid.jpg   Ian-ebka-2012groupwinner1.JPG

Judges licence

Breed specialist licence for Rottweilers,  Swedish Vallhunds, and Utility Group as listed below,

# Indicates breeds which i have judged at breed speciality shows


Swedish vallhunds


      Below Ian awarding BIS Auckland KA    



Below Ian  & Ch Svedala Tomte Pelle (1994)

aka Cheyney

Crufts BOB winner

Top SV UK & Ireland  


Cheyney was a dog with wings on his feet, for by god he could fly round the show ring....!

                                  Rottweiler & Swedish Vallhund breed specialist  Judge Ian Geddes-Cook  JD contact ian@rottweiler.co.nz


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