Hardrada Rottweiler’s website is the place for helpful and informative information about the breed, you will find lots of interesting things on our site, including, nzkc breed standard, puppy pictures, health and rescue information, breed links etc. We also hope you will like the quality pictures of our show winning dogs. Sue and Ian have been involved with Rottweiler’s for over 30 years, in that time we have produced many champions and show winners in 7 countries. Originally from the UK , we now live in Tauranga, New Zealand .
Ian judge’s Rottweiler’s at Championship show level, he's judged the breed throughout the United Kingdom , Ireland and New Zealand , he also judges over 30 other breeds at championship show level. Hardrada Rottweilers track record has shown that our knowledge, experience and love of the breed have enabled us to produce top quality puppies for the show and family enviroment. Look at the quality dog’s we produce and judge for yourselves.
Below: NZ Champion Abukadra Black Knight at Hardrada (Uk) Import
Ex Sire :Hanbar Navarro Dam Hardrada High Romance at Abukadra